Enews395 新進教師介紹

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(新頁面: 高雄醫學大學e快報 第395期  通識教育中心專題 == '''新進教師介紹''' == ==='''吳振彰'''=== 200px   大家好,我是基...)
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(新頁面: 高雄醫學大學e快報 第395期  通識教育中心專題 == '''新進教師介紹''' == ==='''吳振彰'''=== 200px   大家好,我是基...)


高雄醫學大學e快報 第395期  通識教育中心專題





  經過8年寫程式與資料庫為伍的時光,有感資訊科技發展日新月異需要適度充電,前往交通大學就讀資訊科學研究所,研究方向為視覺化密碼,感受到學校自由研究風氣的薰陶,加深了我對研究的興趣。回到原單位擔任MIS組長,工作之餘心中還是無法忘懷實驗室的日子,接著以半工半讀的方式到中山大學就讀資訊工程系博士班,研究的主題是Data Mining。

  很榮幸於今年2月加入高醫的大家庭,在教學上目前教授大一必修的Python程式設計課程及協助推廣STEAM專題製作,期待程式設計思維能深入學生的心中,對未來工作發展有不一樣的視野。研究方向將博士研究成果2D Hilbert* Curve應用於醫學影像非失真壓縮,進而研究3D Hilbert* Curve並應用於3D醫學影像壓縮。未來能結合機器深度學習,發展輔助醫療相關應用智慧系統的研究。


  Hello, I am Assistant Professor Andrew du Boulay (杜安祖) working in KMU’s General Education Center of Language and Culture. It is a great honour to be invited to join KMU, and have the pleasure to teach the high level students that this great medical institution attracts. I have these qualifications and experiences: in my Doctorate of Philosophy I majored in International Monetary Law and Economics, I am an Australian (Qld) Justice of the Peace, I am admitted as a lawyer to the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory, a Queensland Solicitor, and Legal Counsel working for Brain Trust International Law Firm (群勝國際法律事務所in Taipei), and an accredited TEFL English Teacher.

  In addition to my legal career, I have taught subjects such as: international monetary law, micro-economics, macro-economics, financial services, banking regulation, corporate law, securities and investment compliance, introduction to mobile banking, consumer behaviour, mobile commerce, financial reporting, financial management, quantitative analysis, innovative financial products, international trade law, WTO dispute settlements, R.O.C. constitutional law, equity and ethics, plus I have supervised Masters’ students.

  In December 2018, the R.O.C. Executive Yuan approved a Blueprint drafted by the National Development Council to transform Taiwan into a bilingual nation by 2030. Kaohsiung Medical University’s implementation of the Bilingual Blueprint is intended to forge a culture of English learning for KMU students, while simultaneously promoting KMU’s pedagogical objectives and national ambitions towards Taiwan’s standing within the international community. So it was with those objectives in mind, the Office of Global Affairs, under the leadership of Professors Lee Hsiang-Chun, Chen Kuie-Min and Tsai Wan-Chi, launched the KMU Staff English Corner. The English Corner is open to all KMU personnel who would like to improve their proficiency and confidence in speaking English. We meet on the second and fourth Friday of each month and everyone is welcome to join us. Contact Wang Ching at the Office of Global Affairs on +886 7 312-1101 ext. 2853 for time and location details.

  As part of my English teaching for the Department of General Education, I have created a course that will focus on Medical Regulations and the laws which impact medical and health care professions. The motivation to include legal courses taught in English into KMU’s curriculum serves several purposes: first to enhance KMU student’s English proficiency and build confidence in English communication; second, to expose future medical and health-care professionals to the intricacies of domestic and international laws associated with medicine and medical services; and thirdly to promote Taiwan’s competitiveness and reputation in the international arena in terms of medical skills, the adoption of medical technologies and the advancement of academic medical research.

  Again, I would like to thank the management, staff and colleagues of KMU for the friendly welcome they have given me since I arrived in Kaohsiung. KMU is a fantastic place to work and I enjoy contributing to the advancement of this world class university. If anyone wants assistance with any English editing or wants to make use of my skills, please feel free to email me at: duantsu@kmu.edu.tw



  目前擔任遠哲科學教育基金會高雄辦公室主任、通識教育學刊總編輯、清華教育學報副主編及執行編輯、International Journal of Science Education (SSCI)和教育科學研究期刊(TSSCI)編輯委員、中華民國通識教育學會理事、台灣通識教育聯盟副理事長等服務工作。研究主軸聚焦在科學情意學習,人格品德、科學美學、STEAM課程、教學與STEAM素養導向評量研究及推廣。期待能提升學生的STEAM素養、科學創造力、科學興趣與動機,科學探究、論證與反思能力,非常歡迎各位師長加入推廣與服務科學教育的行列。
