Enews437 圖資處

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在2023年8月9日 (三) 14:23由Lib (對話 | 貢獻)所做的修訂版本
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InCites已更新2016-2022年本校專任教師著作資料 KMU professors' 2016-2022 publications have been updated in InCites


登入後點選「My Organization」,可協助教學單位及教師快速產出競爭力分析報告,運用於評鑑、升等或申請計畫等。


KMU professors' 2016-2022 publications have been updated in InCites Research Performance Analysis Platform.

After logging in and clicking "My Organization", you can quickly get competitiveness analysis reports which can be used for teaching units evaluation, professors' promotion, or project application.

For the first time use, please register an account.

InCites instructions and audio-visual teaching materials please refer to the Library website.

Image:InCites My Organization.jpg



Image:Kmovie0809.JPG 連線方式請上圖資處網頁查看:https://reurl.cc/qLR9ky