Enews156 電腦教室Q&A
出自KMU e-News
此類信件為典型的網路詐騙 (社交工程攻擊 - Phishing E-mail),詐騙者的目的在取得使用者的帳號和密碼,以竊取資料
萬一不慎回覆了自己的帳號和密碼,請立即變更密碼並與資訊處工作人員聯絡 (校內分機 2184)。
Dear Account User we are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause our email users. We are upgrading our database storage facility without shutting down the old Server (NT06717) to a new and better Server (NT21766), hence the reason for the request and notification. We apologize for any inconvenience this will cause our respected email users. You are to fill the details below to enable us upgrade and verify from the old server. It is secure and safe and you can change your information 72 hours after you receive email from us of confirmation. FILL THE DETAILS BELOW OR ANYWHERE IN THE MAIL Username: ..... Password: ..... Address:........ City:............ Attention!!! Account owner that does not update his or her account within a given period of time after receiving this Notification will make most of our services to you inactive. Thank you for using Online Email. Notification Code: BC1G43TRJ Help Desk
Dear Subscriber, Due to the congestion in all account and removal of all unused Accounts, we would be shutting down all unused accounts,You will have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your Login Info below after clicking the reply botton, or your account will be suspended within 48 hours for security reasons. please noted our information: User name:............. Password:.............. Date Of Birth: ........ Phone Number:.......... After Following the instructions in the sheet,your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal.Thanks for your attention to this request.We apologize for any inconvinience. Webmaster Case number: 8941624 Property: Account Security
(資訊處 謝志昌組長提供)