Enews134 WHO AM I

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高雄醫學大學e快報 第134期  分享園地

本校97學年度以醫研所開設的臨床醫學碩士學程加入國合會國際高等人力培訓外籍生獎學金計畫,本年度共招收4位外籍學生,3位來自西非的甘比亞,1位來自中南美洲的聖露西亞。4位學生將陸續在e快報發表文章,自我介紹或是抒發生活上的感想,也邀請他們的好朋友或學伴寫下與他們的相處之道,期待本校師生能更了解這些遠道而來外國朋友。128期已由來自甘比亞的Kebba(葛安)分享他回顧2008年的感觸,130期由來自中南美洲的聖露西亞Alisha D. Eugene分享她自己的心情故事,132期由來自甘比亞的畢學Sheikh分享他來台灣後的生活點滴,此期由來自西非甘比亞人的唐雲Musa作自我介紹。


唐雲 Musa

My name is Musa Marena. I am a 34 year-old male from Gambia, Africa. I grew up in a village setting in the countryside. My village is located at the central part of Gambia, which is located on the western part of Africa. It’s the smallest country on the African continent. It has a population of about 1.7million people and the official language is English. About 10 other languages are spoken too by different ethnic groups. The main income is through agriculture, tourism and fishing.

I attended the only boarding high school in Gambia and spent 5 years in the school. I then proceeded to another school for a two-year sixth form course. Upon completion I worked for about 2 years with national agricultural research institute, The Gambia and one year and a half with the medical research institute, The Gambia as a laboratory assistant.

I enrolled in the medical school and was among the first indigenously trained medical doctors. Upon graduation in 2006 I began my two-year training as a houseman (intern).I came to Taiwan in August 2008 to study in the masters program in clinical medicine.

I love playing soccer as a child but was prematurely forced to retire from most sports because of a serious knee problem. However, I like to play tennis just for fun. I love watching basketball and volley ball. Since coming to Taiwan, I have also developed interest in baseball because of a friend’s influence.

Scrabble is something I enjoy playing but it does not seem to be a common game in Taiwan. I love music, including traditional, some western and Caribbean music as well. I like karaoke music but I was told by friends that it is for the elderly in Taiwan, so he is trying to discourage me. I hope he will succeed. I love movies, mainly actions and scientific. Sightseeing is something I enjoy as I like to be involved in new cultures, ancient sculptures, admire the beauty and peace of nature as it unfolds itself through adventures and experiences. I love reading novels, science and theology.

Food which is the nourishment of life is one of my best friends so I enjoy cooking as one of my hobbies. Unfortunately this is one hobby which I miss since arriving in Taiwan. I love to eat anything that complies with my system and my faith. When my friends asked me what I like most in Taiwan, I always tell them it’s the variety of foods and the endless methods of preparing one type of food.

I am single. I like to make friends but, perhaps due to poor memory, I have difficulty recognizing people I met before. I am also easy going; so please just say hello to me when we meet. You will surely get a reply back, and may be even more. I hope I will enjoy my stay in Taiwan.

Musa Marena

後醫系二年級 張勝捷


英語,是我與Musa互通的語言,大部分的時間我們都是用英語來交談,雖然偶而會教他一些中文,但是很顯然中文不是一個好發音的語言,一些立意良好的字眼,只要發音不對很容易讓人誤會,幸好台灣的天氣濕氣比較重,所以我不用教他"乾"的字眼。不過一些基本的問候語,Musa倒是已經爐火純青,能夠與好奇的路人打招呼。我發現小孩其實不怕黑人,取而代之是好奇與趣味,所以他走在路上挺有人氣的;吃東西的時候一些攤販,或是小吃店老闆的破英文讓人感覺親切又好笑,他們會很熱情、很好奇地向Musa問東問西,像是”Are you happy?”之類的,Musa倒也能不厭其煩的跟他們聊上一兩句。


後醫系二年級 許書華

因為參與學生大使工作的關係,認識了遠自甘比亞來的朋友Musa。第一次認識Musa是透過國際事務中心舉辦的HAPPY HOURS,剛看到Musa時,覺得是個木訥老實的人,連笑容也帶了幾分靦腆。慢慢聊開了以後,發現Musa很喜歡音樂,跟他聊了一些非洲當地雷鬼音樂,只見他一直開心地介紹他喜歡的歌手及音樂給我,讓本身就對非洲舞蹈樂曲有興趣的我也興奮不已。有一次與Musa到旗津騎腳踏車、吃海鮮,Musa對海產好像不太有興趣,也不太想嘗試,看他大多挖白飯猛吃,我想以後要更加賣力地向Musa推薦台灣這海島有名的海產,讓他愛上吃海鮮。Musa有個特點就是拍照都不笑,不曉得是不是習慣,但要讓他拍照時卸下心防笑開懷還真是我們要繼續挑戰的事情呢!平常和Musa相處的感覺很像差不多年紀的同學,Musa也很喜歡跟勝捷分享一些男生的秘密,是個很可愛的人阿。很高興出任學生大使的工作可以認識來自其他國家的朋友,藉由一次次的出遊或活動互相學習並分享彼此的價值觀,也希望遠從非洲到台灣學醫的他們,能夠愛上這個充滿熱力與人情味的寶島。
