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高雄醫學大學 第13期 充電小站


Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday in November)

感恩節~美國的主要國定假日之一 (每年十一月的最後一個星期四)

A day of feasting and prayer, it celebrates the thanksgiving to God in 1621 by the second group of English settlers in what became the United States. After losing many men through hunger during their first winter in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the settlers were taught how to grow maize and other crops by the Native Americans. When they harvested those crops that autumn they knew they had enough to live on through the second winter, and so they had a feast of thanksgiving with the Native Americans. Today, more Americans travel to see their families on this than on any other day of the year. The Thanksgiving dinner is traditionally turkey and stuffing, sweet potatoes, many and various vegetables, and pumpkin pie.

這是一個人們虔誠祝禱和準備豐盛饗宴的節慶。在1621年,第二批從英國來到美國的移民為了向上帝表達感恩而發起了感恩節這樣的慶祝活動。這些移民在位於Massachusetts的 Plymouth所度過的第一個異常艱辛的冬天,許多人死於飢荒;爾後美國當地的原住民教導他們種植玉米和其他農作物的方法。 那個秋天收成時,他們知道能安然渡過接下來的冬天,於是就懷著感恩和原住民舉辦了一個感恩節的饗宴。 時至今日,很多美國人都選擇在每年的這一天回家省親。傳統的感恩節晚餐包括了塞有餡料的火雞、甜馬鈴薯泥、各式各樣的蔬菜、以及南瓜派。

  • 註 *

麻薩諸塞州:美國 New England 的一個州,首府 Boston 普利茅斯:美國 Massachusetts 州 Boston 近郊港市,1620年 Pilgrim Fathers 在此登陸建立了 Plymouth Colony
