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(新頁面: 高雄醫學大學 第15期 充電小站 =='''英語教室'''== '''語言中心 王惠平提供''' Chinese New Year’s Resolution 新年新希望 The Chinese New year is celebrated...)


高雄醫學大學 第15期 充電小站


語言中心 王惠平提供

Chinese New Year’s Resolution


The Chinese New year is celebrated on the first day of the First Moon of the lunar calendar. The corresponding date in the solar calendar varies from as early as January 21st to as late as February 19th. Chinese New Year, as the Western New Year, signified turning over a new leaf. Socially, it was a time for family reunions, and for visiting friends and relatives. This holiday, more than any other Chinese holiday, stressed the importance of family ties. The Chinese New year's Eve dinner gathering was among the most important family occasions of the year.

傳統上,中國人於農曆大年初一慶祝農曆新年。 然而,農曆初一的日期並不是固定的,它通常介於國曆1月21日至2月19日。咱們的農曆新年就像西方的新年一樣,象徵著新年新希望。此外,農曆新年也是讓家人團員的大好時機,親戚朋友也藉此機會互相拜訪。這個佳節也特別強調家庭觀,除夕的年夜飯就是最好的證明。
