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高雄醫學大學e快報 第192期  分享園地【醫學教育】


醫學院 劉克明教授


AAMC報導 2 – “進化中的醫學院入學面談 (The evolving medical school admissions interview)”,由 Dr. Dunleavy 與 Dr. Whittaker 共同發表,刋登於美國醫學院學會出版的 Analysis in Brief (Vol. 11, No. 7, 2011)。

Dr. Dunleavy 與 Dr. Whittaker提及,在過去 20年,美國典型的醫學院入學面談特徵為教師主導,一對一的師生面談 (one-on-one interviews conducted by by faculty and staff)。招生委員會沒有指定問題方向與內容,考官自由的提問與評分,為無結構的面談 (non-structured interview)。隨後很多醫學院採用半結構的面談 (semi-structured interview) 及多站短時結構的面談 (multi-mini interview –MMI)。

Dr. Dunleavy 與 Dr. Whittaker對美國與加拿大 142所醫學院招生委員會主席或負責人進行線上調查 (on-line survey),他們依調查結果,將各醫學院招生委員會在入學面談時,全部面談委員對申請人最常問到的個人特質 (personal characteristics) 依序排行如下:

1. 選擇從事醫療行業的動機 (Motivation for a medical career),

2. 同情心 (Compassion and empathy),

3. 成熟度 (Personal maturity),

4. 溝通 (Oral communication),

5. 服務導向 (Service orientation),

6. 專業素養 (Professionalism),

7. 同理心 (Altruism),

8. 廉潔 (Integrity) ,

9. 領導力 (Leadership),

10. 好奇心 (Intellectual curiosity),

11. 團隊工作 (Teamwork),

12. 文化能力 (Cultural competence),

13. 可信性及可靠性 (Reliability and dependability),

14. 自我訓練 (Self-discipline),

15. 批判性思考 (Critical thinking),

16. 適應性 (Adaptability),

17. 推理 (Verbal reasoning),

18. 工作習慣 (Work habits),

19. 堅持 (Persistence),

20. 彈性 (resilience),

21. 邏輯推理 (Logical reasoning)。


美國各醫學院對申請入學者之醫預科 (premedical programs) 課程要求不一,以The University of Minnesota Medical School 在學校網頁公布之訊息為例 (附件一、附件二),其包括醫預科必修及推薦預修科目為:

I. 必修科目:

 1. 生物學 (Biology with lab),

 2. 化學 (Chemistry with lab),

 3. 生命科學 (Life Sciences),

 4. 人文或社會科學 (Humanities or Social Sciences)。

II. 推薦預修科目:

 1. 生物化學 (Biochemistry),

 2. 倫理 (Ethics),

 3. 遺傳學 (Genetics),

 4. 心理學 (Psychology),

 5. 統計學 (Statistics),

 6. 外語 (Foreign language),

 7. 獨立學習課程 (Independent learning courses,)

 8. 小組討論的研討會課程 (Seminar-type courses involving small group discussions),

 9. 社會與行為科為及人文 (Social and behavioral sciences and humanities)。


參考嚴長壽總裁的著作與演講等資料,筆者建議台灣醫學生具備之特質為: 對醫學有興趣、使命感、高敏感、廉潔、關懷、同情心、同理心、觀察力、主動、工作熱情、上進、認真、負責、好奇心、誠實、挑戰權威的勇氣……等。





1. Dunleavy DM, Sondheimer H, Castillo-Page L, Bletzinger RB. Medical School Admissions: More than grades and test scores. AAMC Analysis in Brief. 11 (6), 2011。

2. Dunleavy DM, Whittaker, KM. The evolving medical school admissions interview. AAMC Analysis in Brief. 11 (7), 2011。

3. The University of Minnesota Medical School ( http://www.med.umn.edu/)。

4. 嚴長壽. 教育應該不一樣。台北: 天下文化. 2011。

5. 嚴長壽. 嚴長壽總裁對台灣醫學教育的期許與建議。台大醫學院特別演講. 2011/09/27。

附件一 The University of Minnesota Medical School Premedical required coursework

1. Biology with lab:

Biological sciences coursework with emphasis on general principles, cell biology and/or physiology, 1 semester or 1 quarter

2. Chemistry with lab:

General or Organic Chemistry, 1 semester or 1 quarter

3. Life Sciences (additional courses):

Biology, genetics, zoology, botany, parasitology, biochemistry, chemistry (general or organic, but must be in addition to the general or organic chemistry listed above), physics, etc. At least 2 must be upper-level courses, 4 semesters or 4 quarters

4. Humanities or Social Sciences:

Humanities or social sciences upper-level course, with an intensive writing requirement, 1 semester or 1 quarter.

附件二 The University of Minnesota Medical School Premedical Recommended courses






6.Foreign language,

7.Independent learning courses,

8.Seminar-type courses involving small group discussions,

9.Social and behavioral sciences and humanities。

  • 上集刊登於e快報191期
