Enews300 生命科學院新進教師介紹

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;醫藥暨應用化學系-Vinoth Kumar (庫碼), M.Sc., Ph.D., MBA.,Assistant Professor
;醫藥暨應用化學系-Vinoth Kumar (庫碼), M.Sc., Ph.D., MBA.,Assistant Professor
About myself:Vinoth Kumar obtained his doctoral degree (2011) in Analytical Chemistry from National Chung-Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, Taiwan. After his two years of postdoctoral research works in the same lab in NCHU, he moved to work as an Analytical R&D team leader (2013) in Formosa Laboratories Inc., Taoyuan, Taiwan and then he moved to Chi Mei Inspection Technology Ltd., Taichung, Taiwan, as Food Analytical lab supervisor (2014-15). During this period, he has also obtained his second master degree (MBA) in international marketing from Asia University, Taichung. And, he has also started his teaching job as Adjunct Assistant Professor (Aug 2014-Jan 2016) in the Department of Cosmetic Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan and then he joined as Contract Assistant Professor (Feb 2016-Aug 2016) in Department of Cosmetic Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan. Currently, he is working as Full-Time Assistant Professor (since Sep 2016) in Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan. His current research interests are mainly focused on developments of green sample preparation techniques and nanomaterial based miniaturized/microextraction techniques for biological, foods, drugs and cosmetics samples analysis using various chromatographic and mass spectrometric instruments.
About myself:Vinoth Kumar obtained his doctoral degree (2011) in Analytical Chemistry from National Chung-Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, Taiwan. After his two years of postdoctoral research works in the same lab in NCHU, he moved to work as an Analytical R&D team leader (2013) in Formosa Laboratories Inc., Taoyuan, Taiwan and then he moved to Chi Mei Inspection Technology Ltd., Taichung, Taiwan, as Food Analytical lab supervisor (2014-15). During this period, he has also obtained his second master degree (MBA) in international marketing from Asia University, Taichung. And, he has also started his teaching job as Adjunct Assistant Professor (Aug 2014-Jan 2016) in the Department of Cosmetic Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan and then he joined as Contract Assistant Professor (Feb 2016-Aug 2016) in Department of Cosmetic Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan. Currently, he is working as Full-Time Assistant Professor (since Sep 2016) in Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan. His current research interests are mainly focused on developments of green sample preparation techniques and nanomaterial based miniaturized/microextraction techniques for biological, foods, drugs and cosmetics samples analysis using various chromatographic and mass spectrometric instruments.


高雄醫學大學e快報 第300期 



曾經探索著成為一名科技記者的可能性;卻因高二那年化學段考23分的全校最低分衝擊,發憤搞懂化學,高三畢業那年以第一志願考入台大化學系。曾夢想藉由劇本創作刻劃人性;卻因大三那年受《火星上的人類學家》一書啟發,決定回歸學習科學。我在學習科學的路上蛻變,也在學習科學的路上找到自己。曾經在學習化學的過程中向隅,如今卻由衷感謝我沒有放棄探索化學! 正因為如此,這些年來除了投身於化學研究,也從事科教活動設計與科普文章寫作。我喜歡做研究,也喜歡教書,因為我喜歡經歷從懵懂無知而豁然開朗的心情,更喜歡看見一張張從茫然而悟懂的表情。
  “科學是認真交往的朋友, 藝術是由衷摯愛的知己
  理性是雙手握住的真誠 感性是獨舞之際的婉約
  認知是追尋真理的天真 直覺是醞釀沉澱的細膩
  我與世界的默契: 是勇敢 也是溫柔 是執著的理性 也是熱情的感性
  科學與藝術 在左手與右手緊握之際 變成了生命裡的美好。”


  大學畢業於國立彰化師範大學化學系,並在國立清華大學化學系碩博聯讀,進而取得我的博士學位,先後在清大化學系、德國馬克斯普郎克之膠體與介面所和中央研究院基因體中心做博士後研究。原來人生的規劃是完成碩士學位後,去教師實習,以成為中學教師為目標,但加入清大林俊成老師實驗室後,發現對研究的喜愛,對於基礎科學與癌症疾病治療有著極大的興趣,積極修讀有機化學和生命科學相關領域,在修讀博士期間,與清大生命科學系有密切的合作,有一些具體的成果,在德國馬普所的Peter H. Seeberger實驗室,除了增廣學術交流並開拓視野,我更浸淫在學術研究的領域,透過各國頂尖人才的學術刺激,更加確認了自己喜愛研究且挑戰未知,想以此為一生的志業。回到台灣後,在基因體中心的研究也是延續跟癌症相關的研究,很榮興今年,在系上各位老師的抬愛下,加入高雄醫學大學進行教學與研究。有著師範大學體系的出身訓練,我是樂於教學的,目前教授的科目以博士班的專精科目為主,大學部則是專題演講,也支援普化的教授,期望透過教學相長相互砥礪。

醫藥暨應用化學系-Vinoth Kumar (庫碼), M.Sc., Ph.D., MBA.,Assistant Professor

About myself:Vinoth Kumar obtained his doctoral degree (2011) in Analytical Chemistry from National Chung-Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, Taiwan. After his two years of postdoctoral research works in the same lab in NCHU, he moved to work as an Analytical R&D team leader (2013) in Formosa Laboratories Inc., Taoyuan, Taiwan and then he moved to Chi Mei Inspection Technology Ltd., Taichung, Taiwan, as Food Analytical lab supervisor (2014-15). During this period, he has also obtained his second master degree (MBA) in international marketing from Asia University, Taichung. And, he has also started his teaching job as Adjunct Assistant Professor (Aug 2014-Jan 2016) in the Department of Cosmetic Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan and then he joined as Contract Assistant Professor (Feb 2016-Aug 2016) in Department of Cosmetic Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan. Currently, he is working as Full-Time Assistant Professor (since Sep 2016) in Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan. His current research interests are mainly focused on developments of green sample preparation techniques and nanomaterial based miniaturized/microextraction techniques for biological, foods, drugs and cosmetics samples analysis using various chromatographic and mass spectrometric instruments.
