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  1. Enews191 未來良醫的挑選(上) (5,827位元組)
    27: ...會在決定錄取時,非學業的特質 (non-academic characteristics) 更重要。在此各醫學院...
  2. Enews199 秘書室 (1,282位元組)
    44: ...t color>,英文<font color=red>「International Academic Research Buliding」</font size=>
  3. Enews204 醫師的培育年限需要多久 (12,650位元組)
    26: ...長期以來,美國理想的學術醫師 (ideal academic physician) 須具有三種專長 -- 敏銳的診...
  4. Enews209 日本千葉大學醫學院之 Outcome Based Medical Education (OBE) (16,297位元組)
    264: ...f Medicine,Medical Education Office, Vice Dean, Academic Affairs/UME/GME,Chiba University,Japan 提供...
    271: ... health system for the 21st century. The National Academic Press 2001.
  5. Enews220 醫學院成果導向的醫學教育與好醫師的培育(下) (8,467位元組)
    90: ...學術相關之主題 (unrelated and irrelevant academic subjects)。
  6. Enews231 今日良醫,明日良醫良師 (19,544位元組)
    17: ...明顯的是,醫師們在醫學學術 (medical academic) 生涯方面,可能是因其研究經驗與成...
  7. Enews232 主動學習、獨立學習與終身學習 (12,246位元組)
    435: ... Associate Dean. Quillen College of Medicine. The Academic. Sept. 8th, 2011.
  8. Enews235 基礎醫學與臨床醫學的整合課程 (10,957位元組)
    25: ...大學醫學院 (BUSM) Dr. Joseph 等人刊登於 Academic Medicine的文章,以其新規畫的醫學系...
    81: ... Associate Dean. Quillen College of Medicine. The Academic. Sept. 8th, 2011.
  9. Enews236 高雄醫學大學甘比亞生物醫學學士專班畢業前感言 (7,246位元組)
    13: ...out been home sick or getting dispirited with the academic workload.
    17: ...d was to go for summer vacation at the end of the academic year so as to see our families and at the same ti...
  10. Enews239 如何設計評量專業素養的藍圖(下篇) (5,062位元組)
    349: ... professionalism: results of a systematic review. Academic Medicine. 84(5), 551-558, 2009.
  11. Enews240 招生面談應避免偏見 (10,359位元組)
    37: ... (Interview score) 與入學後學業的表現 (Academic
    55: ...l school selection criteria and the prediction of academic performance. Evidence leading to change in policy...
    57: ... in admission interviews at U.S. medical schools. Academic Medicine 66: 408-412. 1991.
    58: ...orts: A content analysis of interviewer comments. Academic Medicine 69(October Supplement):S63-S65, 1994.
    60: ... analysis of admission committee voting patterns. Academic Medicine 72: S72-S75. 1997.
  12. Enews244 醫學院準備評鑑的經驗分享 (12,539位元組)
    80: ...nd after the reforming of accreditation standards.Academic Medicine 87(5): 560-566, 2012.
    84: ...ditation information.http://www.medicine.usask.ca/academic-units/support-units/communications/news/accredita...
    86: ...ittee on Medical Education accreditation process. Academic Medicine 88(9): 1225-1231, 2013.
  13. Enews93 牙醫學系50週年賀辭 (3,248位元組)
    27: ...d like to give special thanks to the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health. By your outstanding...
    29: ...Medical University of Taiwan and the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health to establish a Globa...
  14. Enews92 【醫學教育】學術倫理與論文作者姓名的排序之省思(上) (6,529位元組)
    41: ...ud) 將採取抵制的行動 (take action against academic fraud),也要制止目前相當普遍的酬庸...
  15. Enews86 【醫學教育】醫學教育學科(Department of Medical Education)之介紹(上) (7,423位元組)
    37: 4. 醫學教育的重要期刊: Academic Medicine; Teaching, Learning, Medicine; Journal C...
  16. Enews81 讓夢和理想飛揚 (2,496位元組)
    13: 本學院也已經和Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health(APACPH,亞太公...
  17. Enews250 學務長的話〜歡迎103學年新生入學 (3,880位元組)
    28: --To the freshmen of 103 academic year
  18. Enews65 【第三屆亞太醫學教育會議分享】什麼是教學卓越教師? (9,186位元組)
    42: 評量機構:利用學術標準程序(Academic Standards Process)評量機構整體表現。
    100: ...eeded to retain the best clinical teachers within academic medical centers)。
  19. Enews259 如何增加不分科醫師 (16,666位元組)
    84: Dr. Simon R Thornton (Academic clinical fellow in primary care, University of Br...
  20. Enews265 國際事務處 (4,415位元組)
    35: 德國學術交流總署(German Academic Exchange Service)徐言主任(Dr. Stefanie Eschen...

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