Enews462 一位歐洲科學家在臺灣的經歷 A European Scientist’s Experience in Taiwan
出自KMU e-News
高雄醫學大學e快報 第462期 藥學院專題
一位歐洲科學家在臺灣的經歷 A European Scientist’s Experience in Taiwan
■天然藥物研究所 柯麥可助理教授
我是Michal Kořínek,來自歐洲心臟地帶——捷克共和國。我畢業於布拉格查理大學藥學院,在那裡奠定了堅實的藥學基礎。求學期間,我曾參與國際研究計畫,包括芬蘭的ERASMUS計畫以及在臺灣社區藥局進行IPSF學生交換。畢業後,我擔任了一年藥師,隨後為了深化研究能力,赴高雄醫學大學(KMU)藥學院天然藥物研究所攻讀博士學位,專攻具抗過敏活性之天然化合物的生物活性導向萃取、分離與純化,並於2017年在吳永昌教授、張芳榮教授及陳炳宏教授的指導下順利取得博士學位。
- 研究與學術歷程
我的博士後研究以國際合作為核心,特別著重於與歐洲的學術交流。2018至2020年間,我在長庚大學擔任博士後研究員,於黃聰龍教授的指導下,專注於抗過敏與抗炎藥物的開發。隨後,我於2020至2021年間加入成功大學,致力於促進歐洲與臺灣之間的研究合作。自2021年起,我擔任助理教授,整合天然物化學、傳統醫藥及生物資訊技術,以鑑定新型生物活性化合物。 與烏克蘭、埃及、匈牙利、瑞典及捷克的研究人員合作,使我拓展了國際學術網絡,並促成多項合作研究、學術發表與會議交流。其中的重要合作計畫包括2023年印尼Bakti Tunas Husada (BTH) 大學代表團訪問高雄醫學大學(雙方簽署合作備忘錄MoU),以及2024年與捷克查理大學共同舉辦的學術論壇(簽署MoU)。自2022年以來,我們已接待來自六個國家的15名國際交換學生,營造多元且充滿活力的研究環境。
- 在臺灣的生活與適應
我的臺灣之旅不僅在學術上收穫豐富,也帶來了深遠的個人成長。適應新的文化、語言與研究環境雖充滿挑戰,但這些經歷增強了我的適應力,也拓寬了我的視野。臺灣的科研創新、悠久傳統與熱情友善的環境深深影響了我的研究方向。克服語言障礙、研究挑戰與個人生活困難——例如在攻讀博士期間兼顧家庭與育兒——這一切都不容易,但臺灣人民的勤奮與友善讓我感受到溫暖,也助我在這片土地扎根成長。學習中文並融入臺灣文化,使我更能適應並享受這裡的生活。 來臺前,我對臺灣的印象來自學校教育、媒體報導及朋友分享。然而,親身經歷後,我發現臺灣擁有獨特的傳統與高度發展的科技現代化。臺北讓我感覺像歐洲的國際都市,但在高雄生活了十年後,我體會到更深層的文化對比——炎熱的熱帶氣候、語言挑戰以及豐富的傳統文化。臺灣的自然美景,特別是海洋風光,讓我驚艷不已。飲食方面,我曾對夜市感到陌生,甚至一度避開臭豆腐——但現在,我已經愛上它!我甚至比起捷克的馬鈴薯,更偏好臺灣的麵食。此外,臺灣的運動與音樂文化也與捷克有所不同——捷克熱愛足球與冰球,而臺灣則偏好籃球與棒球。
- 研究方向:解決過敏與發炎性疾病問題
我的研究專注於從天然物提取與分離具抗過敏與抗炎活性的生物化合物,並結合傳統醫藥與現代科學驗證。與單一成分藥物不同,天然療法通常依賴多種化學成分之間的協同作用,此概念深植於傳統醫學。 透過篩選多種植物來源,我們鑑定出多種具免疫調節潛力的化合物,例如:來自土半夏(Typhonium)的抗過敏脂肪酸、來自沉香(Aquilaria malaccensis)種子的雙萜類、來自埃及觀賞植物的酚類、地中海揮發油、烏克蘭鳶尾花與番紅花的活性成分,以及捷克的生物鹼類。我們透過生物測試與先進的生物資訊工具(如ChemGPS-NP、GNPS、分子對接與動力學分析),探討這些化合物的作用機制,期望為過敏與發炎性疾病提供新的治療選擇。
- 給學術新秀的建議
創新研究依賴跨學科合作。我在藥學、化學、免疫學與生物資訊學的專業知識形塑了我對生物活性藥物開發的研究方法。然而,學術成功不僅僅是埋首實驗,更需要卓越的指導與領導能力。培育學生與管理實驗室,與科研本身同等重要。 對於有志從事學術研究的年輕學者,我想說:實驗失敗與激烈競爭是必經之路。保持好奇心與毅力,從挫折中學習,並探索不同領域——每一次經歷都將磨練你的專業技能,並塑造你的職業發展方向。我的目標是透過基礎研究與天然小分子藥物開發,推動過敏疾病治療的進展,並激勵學生投入研究與進一步深造。學術領域不只是知識的累積,更是挑戰極限,為全球健康帶來深遠影響的使命。 為回饋我曾受益的國際學術交流機會,我積極促進國際合作,邀請國際學生進入我們的實驗室學習,也熱情歡迎來自世界各地的學者、學生與訪問者,共同營造一個多元合作的學術環境。
I’m Michal Kořínek from the Czech Republic, the heart of Europe. I earned my degree from Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy, where I developed a strong foundation in pharmaceutical sciences. During my studies, I participated in international research programs, including the ERASMUS program in Finland and an IPSF student exchange in a Taiwanese community pharmacy. After working as a pharmacist for a year, I pursued a Ph.D. at Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU, College of Pharmacy, Graduate Institute of Natural Products), specializing in bioactivity-guided extraction, separation, and isolation of anti-allergic compounds under the mentorship of Prof. Yang-Chang Wu, Prof. Fang-Rong Chang, and Prof. Bing-Hung Chen, graduating in 2017.
- Research and Academic Journey
My postdoctoral research has been internationally oriented, with a strong focus on European collaborations. As a researcher at Chang Gung University (2018–2020), I worked with Prof. Tsong-Long Hwang on anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drug discovery. I later joined National Cheng Kung University (2020–2021), fostering research partnerships between Europe and Taiwan. Since 2021, I have been an Assistant Professor, integrating natural product chemistry, traditional medicines, and bioinformatics to identify novel bioactive compounds.
Collaborating with researchers from Ukraine, Egypt, Hungary, Sweden, and Czechia has expanded my international network, leading to joint projects, publications, and conferences. Key collaborations include welcoming Indonesia’s Bakti Tunas Husada University delegation to KMU (MoU signed in 2023) and hosting an academic forum with Charles University, Czech Republic (MoU signed in 2024). Since 2022, we have hosted 15 international exchange students from six countries, fostering a diverse and dynamic research environment.
- Life and Adaptation in Taiwan
My journey in Taiwan has been both academically enriching and personally transformative. Adapting to a new culture, language, and research environment was challenging, but it strengthened my resilience and broadened my perspective. Taiwan’s scientific innovation, rich traditions, and warm hospitality shaped my research interests. Overcoming language barriers, research challenges, and personal struggles – like balancing PhD studies with parenting – was tough, but the kindness and hardworking spirit of the Taiwanese people made all the difference. Learning Mandarin and embracing the culture helped me integrate and thrive. Before coming to Taiwan, my expectations were shaped by school, media, and friends. However, I soon discovered Taiwan’s unique blend of tradition and high-tech modernity. Taipei felt like an international European city, but after 10 years in Kaohsiung, I saw deeper contrasts – the hot tropical climate, language challenges, and rich traditions. Taiwan’s natural beauty, especially the ocean, amazed me. Food was a big adjustment; street markets felt unfamiliar, and I once avoided stinky tofu – now I love it! I even prefer noodles over Czech potatoes. Sports and music cultures also differ – while Czechia is passionate about football and hockey, Taiwan leans toward basketball and baseball.
- Research Focus:Addressing Allergic and Inflammatory Diseases
The rising prevalence of allergic and inflammatory diseases, including asthma and atopic dermatitis, underscores the need for safer and more effective treatments. Current therapies, such as antihistamines and corticosteroids, often provide only temporary relief and carry side effects, highlighting the urgency for new anti-allergic drugs.
My research explores bioactive natural compounds from extracts and fractions with anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties, bridging traditional medicine with modern scientific validation. Unlike single-compound drugs, natural remedies often rely on synergistic interactions between multiple chemical constituents, a concept deeply rooted in traditional medicine.
By screening diverse botanical sources, we have identified promising compounds with immunoregulatory potential, such as antiallergic fatty acids from Typhonium, diterpenes from Aquilaria malaccensis seeds, phenolics from Egyptian ornamental plants, Mediterranean volatile oils, Ukrainian Iris and saffron, and alkaloids from Czechia. Using bioassays and advanced bioinformatics tools (ChemGPS-NP, GNPS, docking, dynamics), we aim to uncover their mechanisms of action, paving the way for novel therapeutic alternatives for allergic and inflammatory diseases.
- Advice for Aspiring Academics
Innovative research thrives on cross-disciplinary collaboration. My expertise in pharmacy, chemistry, immunology, and bioinformatics has shaped my approach to bioactive drug discovery research, but success in academia goes beyond experiments – it requires strong mentorship and leadership. Guiding students and managing a lab are just as essential as scientific discoveries.
For aspiring academics: expect challenges like failed experiments and tough competition. Stay curious and persistent, learn from setbacks, and explore diverse fields – each experience refines your expertise and shapes your career. My goal is to advance allergy treatment through basic research and natural small-molecule discovery while inspiring students to pursue research and further studies. Academia isn’t just about knowledge – it’s about pushing boundaries and making a global impact.
As a way to give back for the international exchange opportunities I have experienced, I actively strive to broaden perspectives by inviting international students to our lab. I also warmly welcome scholars, students, and visitors from around the world, fostering a collaborative and diverse research environment.