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  1. Enews113 【醫學教育】標準化病人、客觀結構式臨床測驗與國家考試國際學術研討會暨工作坊紀要 (19,221位元組)
    87: ...。日本正在進行兩種OSCE,即:OSCE in Common Achievement Test (CAT) 及Advanced OSCE,其重...
  2. Enews115 標準化病人、客觀結構式臨床測驗與國家考試國際學術研討會暨工作坊紀要 (19,221位元組)
    87: ...。日本正在進行兩種OSCE,即:OSCE in Common Achievement Test (CAT) 及Advanced OSCE,其重...
  3. Enews130 醫學人文教育之推動(下) (15,982位元組)
    75: ...習模組及前導的共同核心模組(pilot common core models)。2012年:正式實施共同核...
  4. Enews130 A Little about Me (6,975位元組)
    27: ...(fruits and vegetables) found in Taiwan are quite common in the Caribbean. This of course is expected, sin...
  5. Enews134 WHO AM I (6,823位元組)
    25: ...hing I enjoy playing but it does not seem to be a common game in Taiwan. I love music, including tradition...
  6. Enews146 高標OSCE考題之教案設計與研發(2) (6,108位元組)
    22: '''附件三 ICD – 10 (US Common Diagnoses):'''
  7. Enews148 West African Cuisine (4,375位元組)
    25: ...rops, primarily varieties of yam and cassava, are common. Cassava, imported from Brazil by the Portuguese,...
  8. Enews179 台灣標準化病人之現況(上) (7,651位元組)
    59: ...教育之資訊,並建議能建立共用論壇 (common forum),以提供與其他標準化病人訓練...
  9. Enews226 醫學院 (1,351位元組)
    12: ...n of Next Generation Sequencing in Epigenomics of Common Diseases)」'''==
    16: ...n of Next Generation Sequencing in Epigenomics of Common Diseases)」報名參與者踴躍,研討會...
  10. Enews244 醫學院準備評鑑的經驗分享 (12,539位元組)
    40: #The Common Medical College (TCMC):此新設立的醫學院...
    83: ...etter on provisional accreditation. http://www.thecommonwealthmedical.com/lcme
  11. Enews77 【醫學教育活動】參加 2006年歐洲醫學教育學會會議報告 (Part 2) (15,392位元組)
    92: ...he Generations: Bridging Differences, Building on Common Ground."主持人共四位:Dr. Yvonne Steinert ...
    98: ...,而且是橫跨各個世代之共通的特質 (commonalities); 3.可應用於教導專業素養、加...
  12. Enews68高醫校園藥用植物系列 ( 詳全文 ) (1,596位元組)
    19: 英名: Common paper mulberry
  13. Enews251 日本醫學教育學會第46回大會記要 (11,921位元組)
    74: ...畢業生品質,推行全國共同電腦測驗 (Common Based Test,CBT)、客觀結構式臨床技能...
  14. Enews58 高醫校園藥用植物系列 ( 詳全文 ) (1,642位元組)
    18: 英名: Common schefflera
  15. Enews261 教學卓越計畫 (7,864位元組)
    21: ...作權與創用CC講座 Copyrights vs. Creative Common'''</font>====
  16. Enews269 醫學院課程改革與課程整合之探討~ 醫學系課程整合的原則 Part 2 (9,946位元組)
    122: ...iseases; gender-specific diseases; skin diseases; common infectious diseases; therapeutics; and prevention...
    127: ...ents; clinical trials & epidemiology; prevention; common infectious agents.
  17. Enews52 【國外學校見習分享】哈佛醫學院見習準備及生活記事 (10,493位元組)
    34: ...他們的資源。而在Charles river、 Boston Common、 Boston Harbor Hotel每個週末都會有一些...
    37: ...p.mbta.com/cgi-bin/itin_page_dhtml.pl 還有一家Commonwealth museum是個瞭解Boston各分區歷史故...
  18. Enews47 高醫校園藥用植物系列 ( 詳全文 ) (1,923位元組)
    19: 英名: '''Common jasmin orange'''
  19. Enews282 美國醫學院學會2015年年會報告~美國新醫學院入學考試測驗與美國醫師執照考試 Part Ⅳ (8,174位元組)
    52: b. Test material development for common formats.
  20. Enews341 高等教育機構董事會成員的認證指南:基礎、問題、挑戰(1) (20,782位元組)
    36: ...點 (What all Accrediting Organizations Have in Common),<br/>
    74: ...點 (What all Accrediting Organizations Have in Common):</font>

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