Enews250 學務長的話〜歡迎103學年新生入學

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高雄醫學大學e快報 第250期  學務處專題


學務長 羅怡卿 教授



大學生涯是奠定專業能力、培養優秀品格與追尋未來夢想的黃金時期,因此在此入學時刻,我們期盼您能在專業能力上有紮實的學習,人際關係上能培養得體合宜的處事智慧,面臨挫折和壓力時能有因應的韌性、彈性和挫折容忍力,並且學習如何充分應用資源來生活、學習與處理問題。 學務處是學生在校生活期間,接觸最為密切的單位,它可提供您未來學習與生活息息相關的重要資訊與協助,包括宿舍、校外租屋、就學貸款、獎助學金、校園安全、身心健康輔導、職涯規劃、課外活動、意見反應管道、緊急聯絡電話等生活中的大小事,並幫助您儘速融入高醫的環境,只要學生需要幫忙,學務處工作同仁都會盡力協助。


學務處以「全面關懷,主動服務」的理念來提供同學所需要的服務,每位高醫新生都分配有系所導師、生活導師及書院導師,為同學在專業學習、意外事故或生活探索的迷惘時刻提供協助。歡迎您隨時與學務處聯絡,亦可上學務處網頁瞭解最新消息與活動訊息。 祝福您有個多采多姿的大學生活!

Speech of Dean of Student Affairs --To the freshmen of 103 academic year

Professor Yi-Ching Lo, Dean of Student Affairs

Welcome to Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU) family!

University life is the golden age of seeking a great dream. In order to approach the dream, promoting professional capacities, cultivating the abilities of getting along with everyone, strengthening our minds when facing frustrations, and learning the different ways to gain all needed information are your missions in university.

Office of Student Affairs (OSA) is a comprehensive and the closest partner for you to complete these missions. We provide services as following: dormitory, outside campus renting house, student loan, grants and scholarship, campus security, counseling of mental and physical health, career plan, student activities, channels of appealing, and an emergency number. All members of OSA are going to do their best to assist you. Hope you adapt the life in KMU soon!

KMU takes students’ rights seriously. According to the 2011 Taiwan universities students’ rights survey, KMU earned the second place. In addition, OSA establishes a thoughtful service system for all students by basing on life guidance, clubs guidance, and career guidance. Therefore, KMU was awarded the champion of the friendly campus in 2009, the character education specialist university in 2013 and 2014, and the Model University of Teaching Excellence University.

“Care completely, Service automatically!” is the main idea of OSA. OSA provides every KMU student three mentors: a life mentor, a mentor, and a college mentor. They help students in all-around. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us or search the information on OSA website.

Enjoy a colorful university life!
