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  1. Enews130 大學評鑑的利器—引文分析 (6,043位元組)
    41: 8. Article InfluenceTM:可提供該期刊平均每篇文...
  2. Enews148 West African Cuisine (4,375位元組)
    19: ...my country as a result I decided to write in this article about food from Africa with emphasis on West Afri...
  3. Enews225 圖書館 (5,202位元組)
    109: ...收錄的文章性質有Review Article、Original Article、Short Communication 及Letter to the Editor,...
  4. Enews227 研發處 (8,335位元組)
    24: ...通訊作者身分,發表原始著作(Original Article)於IF達5.0(含)以上或領域排名於前10.0%(...
  5. Enews236 高雄醫學大學甘比亞生物醫學學士專班畢業前感言 (7,246位元組)
    14: ...mething of that kind. At the time of writing this article, I found out that Taiwanese food is one of the he...
    21: I must conclude this article by saying that Taiwanese are the coolest people I...
  6. Enews237 圖資處 (4,231位元組)
    54: ...ttp://olis.kmu.edu.tw/index.php/component/content/article/37-notice/library/768-%E5%AF%92%E5%81%87%E9%96%8B...
    109: ...ttp://olis.kmu.edu.tw/index.php/component/content/article/34-notice/kmu-announcement/777-%E3%80%8A%E9%AB%98...
  7. Enews249 圖資處 (6,581位元組)
    11: ...收錄的文章性質有Review Article、Original Article、Short Communication 及Letter to the Editor,...
  8. Enews255 研發處 (5,524位元組)
    43: ...收錄的文章性質有Review Article、Original Article、Short Communication 及Letter to the Editor,...
  9. Enews35 慶祝姊妹校阿肯色州州立大學醫學中心創校一百廿五週年校慶( 詳全文 ) (6,189位元組)
    33: ...Sister relationships between the two schools. The article was published in KMU news.
    35: ... appreciations from many of their colleagues. The article also described current and past history of UAMS v...
    37: ...on one day apart at Oct 16 and Oct 17. I read his article with pleasure and appreciations.
  10. Enews356 韓國醫事人員執照考試院簡介(1) (4,309位元組)
    37: ...醫事人員執照考試院法的第1條法案 (Article 1 of Act on KHPLE),韓國醫事人員執照考...
  11. Enews402 研發處 (9,158位元組)
    52: ...或通訊作者身分發表原始著作(Original Article),且該論文刊登之期刊之影響係數(I...
  12. Enews407 線上學習是永久的轉型,還是大學會恢復正常教學? (13,298位元組)
    61: ...rsities bounce back to normal?. Academia Letters, Article 2394, 1-6. Jul 27, 2021. https://doi.org/10.20935...
  13. Enews419 新冠肺炎大流行後的職前教師自我意識需求(2) (7,116位元組)
    35: ...-Awareness Needs Post-Pandemic. Academia Letters, Article 256”,謹此致謝。
    39: ...-Awareness Needs Post-Pandemic. Academia Letters, Article 256. <br/>
  14. Enews423 圖資處 (8,599位元組)
    80: ...,圖資處彙整並公告出版社提供之APC (Article Processing Charge) 優惠。
  15. Enews429 跨國教師合作之線上教學計劃的好處 (10,612位元組)
    41: ...nternational Learning Projects. Academia Letters, Article 202. https://doi.org/10.20935/AL202.
  16. Enews447 圖資處 (4,342位元組)
    46: ...,圖資處彙整並公告出版社提供之APC (Article Processing Charge) 優惠。

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