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  1. Enews146 A Great Experience (3,461位元組)
    13: [[Image:enews146分享園地-Stan.jpg|300px]]
    18: ...attention to the fullest. My first impression I already had it at the airport. The place has glowed thro...
    22: ...experience. Obviously, you all know that I cannot read and write Mandarin: before having Mandarin classe...
    24: ...ble. I have been here for three months and I am already adapted to the place and their lifestyle but I h...
  2. Enews160 My Experience of Learning Mandarin (4,302位元組)
    13: [[Image:enews142分享園地-1.jpg]]
    25: ...lieve them, lucky me! Because now I can speak and read it; of course there’s still a lot to learn, but...
    29: ...), so at the end, one just not learn to write and read in a new way but also to speak and think in a ver...
  3. Enews210 第三屆「好老師」徵文佳作獎~徐啟千描述陳立佳老師 (3,879位元組)
    23: ...B叫ruler,那麼老師就會說“ruler, please read the following sentences.”如此一來ruler同...
  4. Enews243 圖資處 (11,109位元組)
    29: *指定參考書[[https://toread.kmu.edu.tw/toread/opac/WebAcademicReservedBook.page]]之查詢系...
    35: [[Image:e241-001.jpg|400px]]
    36: [[Image:103-04.jpg|400px]]
    42: [[Image:read.jpg|400px]]
    106: [[Image:516.jpg|400px]]
  5. Enews69 如何撰寫學習目的(Learning Objectives) (8,448位元組)
    103: Read
  6. Enews258 健康科學院 (1,504位元組)
    12: [[Image:10312-1.JPG|400px]]
    17: [[Image:10312-2.JPG|400px]]
    23: [[Image:10312-3.JPG|400px]]
    32: 演講目的:Applying computer to automatically read, process, understand and extract unstructured bio...
    38: [[Image:10312-4.JPG|400px]]
  7. Enews282 主管的話-人文經典 (8,732位元組)
    16: ...100本必須讀的好書」 (100 Books You Must Read)中,屬於文學經典的包括《哈姆雷特...
  8. Enews35 慶祝姊妹校阿肯色州州立大學醫學中心創校一百廿五週年校慶( 詳全文 ) (6,189位元組)
    37: ...irthdays on one day apart at Oct 16 and Oct 17. I read his article with pleasure and appreciations.
    43: [[Image:姐妹校1.jpg]]
    45: [[Image:姐妹校2.jpg]]
    47: [[Image:姐妹校3.jpg]]
  9. Enews282 人文經典與人文社會教育 (8,732位元組)
    16: ...100本必須讀的好書」 (100 Books You Must Read)中,屬於文學經典的包括《哈姆雷特...
  10. Enews21 (2,299位元組)
    47: ...I think that having learned our letters we should read the best that is in literature...'''
  11. Enews21 英語教室( 詳全文 ) (1,088位元組)
    8: ... dissipate their faculties in what is called easy reading.'''
  12. Enews298 台灣與印尼國家醫師執照考試 OSCE之比較(1) (11,158位元組)
    53: ...會對考生宣布: 開始閱讀指示 (time to read the instruction),進入考間 (time to enter th...
  13. Enews382電腦教室Q&A (976位元組)
    23: ...bmail-RC14-list.jpg]] | [[Image:Webmail-RC14-read.jpg]]
  14. Enews419 圖資處 (3,201位元組)
    3: [[Image:111學年度暑假借書公告.jpg]]
    11: ...,歡迎洽詢讀者服務組(分機2133轉83; read@kmu.edu.tw)。
    33: [[Image:Oxford 2022.jpg]]
    46: [[Image:2021 STATdx.jpg]]
  15. Enews446 (11,454位元組)
    14: ...r:#5886ED; overflow:hidden;">[[Image:Enews-bar-l1.jpg]]</div>
    21: [[Image:Enews446焦點回顧-1.jpg|400px]]
    40: ...SC投稿及開放獲取轉換方案(Publish and Read)使用流程介紹,歡迎報名]
    60: ...r:#5886ED; overflow:hidden;">[[Image:Enews-bar-l2.jpg]]</div>
    75: [[Image:Enews446專題-8.jpg|350px]]
  16. Enews447 圖資處 (4,342位元組)
    3: [[Image:Kmovie1030319.jpg]]
    44: [[Image:Apc優惠.jpg]]
    51: ...C 投稿及開放獲取轉換方案(Publish and Read)使用流程介紹'''</font>====
    53: [[Image:RSC APC.jpg]]
    55: ...C 投稿及開放獲取轉換方案(Publish and Read)使用流程介紹

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