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  1. Enews106 主辦「第十一屆東亞護理學者壇年會」後記 (4,035位元組)
    32: ...thered here not only participate in international academic nursing society, where together we can strengthen...
  2. Enews106 【醫學教育】荷蘭Utrecht大學醫學中心參訪紀要 (9,665位元組)
    12: ...站(Utrecht central),再換公車到學醫院(Academic Hospital),共需時約一個半小時才能到...
    14: ...心,校園包括醫學院及附設學院醫院 (Academic Hospital),是荷蘭最大的醫療照護中心...
    81: UMC Utrecht與荷蘭國家學術生醫中心 (Academic Biomedical Center) 合作,特別是在生命科...
  3. Enews104 國際事務中心 (2,359位元組)
    19: ...:00啟川大樓6F第2講堂舉行「Harvard-KMU Academic Exchange Symposium」說明會暨心得發表會...
  4. Enews112 【醫學教育】歐美醫學教育之現況及最新發展 (25,895位元組)
    160: * “Academic and non-academic predictors for acceptance to medical studies at W...
    164: * “Analysis of academic achievement of transferred medical students in Yo...
  5. Enews116 A short visit to Poznan University of Medical Sciences (4,592位元組)
    24: ...hat the two universities will be able to closely, academically interact with one another.
    26: ... to yet to be officially integrated into the PUMS academic curriculum; at the moment, only anaesthesiology i...
  6. Enews118 參加教育部醫教會性別與醫學教育工作坊報告 (6,799位元組)
    55: Kimietowicz Z. Women in academic medicine still have to battle against Macho cultu...
  7. Enews121 圖書館 (4,490位元組)
    34: 學術引用文獻資料庫(Academic Citation Index,簡稱ACI)收錄臺灣地區出...
  8. Enews127 醫學人文教育之實施策略(下) (8,452位元組)
    71: ...m at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Academic Medicine, 2003: 76: 1039-1042.
    80: ...Literature and Medicine: A problem of assessment. Academic Medicine 2006: 81: S128-137.
  9. Enews129 教學卓越計畫 (16,104位元組)
    127: ...學林明豐教授)Professor and Vice-Chair for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development, Department of Bi...
  10. Enews135 歐洲醫學教育學會大會紀要 (15,077位元組)
    60: ...別高學術成就者(discriminate between high academic achiever)之間的差異,是非常有挑戰...
  11. Enews143 英國醫學教育介紹 (12,903位元組)
    56: 者(discriminate between high academic achiever)之間的差異的測驗工具,
    96: ...床遺傳學科、精神學科等。學術學程 (Academic programme):在第二年(F2)有4個月至一...
  12. Enews143 圖書館 (4,083位元組)
    24: #Academic Research Library:包含商學、法律、人文...
  13. Enews147 圖書館 (8,056位元組)
    16: ...源,科技政策中心今年引進9種 National Academic License 資料庫系統,提供全國各大專...
  14. Enews148 West African Cuisine (4,375位元組)
    17: ... lane I have settled in relatively well both with academic work and social life.
  15. Enews149 圖書館 (3,637位元組)
    25: ...源,科技政策中心今年引進9種 National Academic License 資料庫系統,提供全國各大專...
  16. Enews164 護理學院 (3,850位元組)
    34: ...護理學系演講:「Strategies for Critical Academic Reading in English for Nursing」。
  17. Enews165 教學卓越計畫 (47,769位元組)
    790: ...cipate over 20 hours in the events held within an academic year will be awarded with a Certificate of Servic...
  18. Enews166 口腔醫學院未來的口腔教育發展 (4,130位元組)
    13: 本校與APACPH(Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health 簡稱APACPH)合...
  19. Enews174 教學卓越計畫 (48,492位元組)
    257: ...成長講座】Lessons Learned-Reflections on My Academic Career</div></font>===
    261: *活動主題:Lessons Learned-Reflections on My Academic Career
  20. Enews188 高醫之光-謝天渝教授 (3,187位元組)
    20: ...構---亞太公共衛生學術聯盟(Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health)。但在謝教授...

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