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  1. Enews114 啟動領導力~本校學生領導力認證制度介紹 (2,625位元組)
    16: 本校領導力認證架構參考UW-Madison Leadership Certificate Program,認證要求:
    23: [[Image:enews114專題.jpg]]
    26: 網址如下:http://gec.kmu.edu.tw/leadership/index.html
  2. Enews125 【WHO圖書介紹】Accelerating Action against AIDS in Africa (3,659位元組)
    13: [[Image:enews125人文e館.jpg]]
    44: A.Strong political leadership
  3. Enews126 2009亞太國際領導者會議會後心得 (5,460位元組)
    11: [[Image:enews126護理學院專題-2.jpg|400px]]
    16: ...009亞太國際領導者會議」(International Leadership Conference),主題為:「邁向亞太區域...
  4. Enews136 國際事務中心 (4,103位元組)
    8: [[Image:enews136國際事務中心-1.jpg|400px]]
    13: #Special Talk on Global Leadership for Health and Public Service。為了培育具...
    18: [[Image:enews136國際事務中心-2.jpg|400px]]
    25: [[Image:enews國際事務中心-3.jpg|400px]]
    37: [[Image:enews136國際事務中心-4.jpg|400px]]
  5. Enews152 服務他人,省視自己 (2,465位元組)
    12: ...再進一步推展「服務式領導」〈Servant Leadership〉理念,將學習、服務、領導三者環...
  6. Enews164 提升醫學教育品質的西太平洋地區醫學教育聯盟2010年會(AMEWPR 2010)紀要 (10,655位元組)
    100: #Membership and leadership of the health care team: inter-professionalism.
    335: [[Image:enews164分享園地.jpg|500px]]
  7. Enews166 通識教育中心 (498位元組)
    7: [[Image:leadership.jpg|350px]]
    14: [[Image:ecorner.jpg|400px]]
  8. Enews173 醫學教育者的專業標準之介紹(上) (12,931位元組)
    33: ...教育經營與領導 (Educational management and leadership)
  9. Enews174 醫學教育者的專業標準之介紹(下) (10,876位元組)
    114: ...營與領導 (Theme 6. Educational management and leadership):'''
    133: | 6.2. 教育的領導(Educational leadership)
  10. Enews191 未來良醫的挑選(上) (5,827位元組)
    47: 9. 領導經驗 (Leadership experience),
    73: 10. 領導經驗 (Leadership experience),
  11. Enews192 未來良醫的挑選(下) (5,594位元組)
    35: 9. 領導力 (Leadership),
  12. Enews196 醫學生之特質與多站短時間面試 (8,481位元組)
    30: #領導力(Leadership),
    76: ... and professionalism), 13. 領導與管理能力 (leadership and management),14.瞭解民眾的感受與主動...
    89: #領導與管理能力 (leadership and management),
  13. Enews222 TMAC新評鑑準則之訂定過程 (8,385位元組)
    47: #Leadership 〞譯為「醫學院/系負責人」,範圍同...
  14. Enews231 國際事務處 (4,699位元組)
    7: [[Image:E快報231期_圖片1.jpg |400px ]]
    8: [[Image:E快報231期_圖片2.jpg |400px ]]
    37: ...校接觸並表達合作意願,其中以Global Leadership University最為積極,希望能送醫學生至...
    39: [[Image:E快報231期_圖片4.jpg |400px]]
    45: [[Image:E快報231期_圖片5.jpg |400px]]
  15. Enews234 淺談「僕人」領導 (3,549位元組)
    13: ...面修士開宗明義指出一件道理:領導(leadership)不同於威權(power),也有異於威信(autho...
  16. Enews93 牙醫學系50週年賀辭 (3,248位元組)
    27: ...Consortium for Public Health. By your outstanding leadership and accomplishment, you have helped to improve th...
  17. Enews84 【醫學教育】台灣醫學教育學會學術研討會紀要(上) (6,936位元組)
    51: ...n the group; ability to master PBL; communication/leadership; scientific curiosity及respect for colleague,...
  18. Enews83 【美國伯明罕阿拉巴馬大學醫學院研究政策與實施策略規劃】中山醫學教育暨研究會報告(Part 2) (9,011位元組)
    100: ...AB School of Medicine的主管及領導者指示 (Leadership Mandate):
    110: Leadership and faculty:
  19. Enews252 教學卓越計畫 (33,526位元組)
    417: ====<font color="0000CC">'''領導力Leadership'''</font>====
    425: [[Image:Leadership.png]]
  20. Enews270 醫學院課程改革與課程整合之探討~ 醫學系課程整合的原則 Part 3 (10,179位元組)
    13: [[Image:enews270_劉克明-1.jpg]]
    65: [[Image:enews270_劉克明-2.jpg]]
    84: [[Image:enews270_劉克明-3.jpg]]
    96: [[Image:enews270_劉克明-4.jpg]]
    114: ... R. Ten ways to integrate curriculum. Educational Leadership. Skylight Publishing, Inc. pp. 61-65. Oct. 1991. ...

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